We are all doing well here. Not a whole lot going on. Kiera is better from her 24 hour day of feeling sick. I got to spend 14 hours to myself on Friday (nice!) while Charlie picked up the girls from school and treated them to a dinner and a movie date. They went to see Avatar. I'm not into Si-fi, not even when it's all the rave. Jasmine loved it, every bit of it. I think Maya and Kiera just wanted the popcorn and candy (and of corse just hanging out with daddy is the best).
Saturday night we played Blitz with our friends.

It's an oldie but goodie for us. We played a lot of Blitz on some frozen nights back in Wyoming when Jasmine was a baby. Charlie ALWAYS wins so a little smack talk about Phase 10 always brings him back down. BTW, we haven't played Phase 10 since it was thrown in the trash by a sore looser 9 years ago.
With a little help from Rosetta Stone, we are refreshing ourselves in speaking German (not that we are going back to Germany to live but we'll be back to visit one day). It's good to know a second language. It's easy for the kids to pick it up too. I think they remember more than they thought they knew.

Charlie and I heard the girls giggling in the storage room and wanted to see what all the laughs were about. They were doing laundry. I don't mind how they do it as long as it gets done.
Monday comes again tomorrow and so does the start of another work week. The girls are looking forward to having a half day on Thurs. and a full day off from school Friday.