So everyone is excited about our #1 pick of GA. It's still so early. I mean, we don't even have orders just a "dream sheet". We have a really good chance of getting GA though. There's 4 positions available for just his rank in his job and we have been on a long overseas tour (to say the least). The only way someone could beat us out is if 4 people of the same rank and in his job are leaving from Korea, Turkey or Lages during the exact same month and they all want to go to the same place or if someone has been overseas longer than us. How likely is that? Our hopes are up.
We have been doing some research about the area. Warner Robins, GA is small town USA. The population is only about 50,000. Atlanta is about 1 1/2 hours away. The beach is 3 hours one way and the mountains are 3 hours another way (sound familiar?) Houses are very inexpensive. We can get a nice 3/4 bedroom house between $170-150,000. It's the time to buy so that's good for us.
We've known when we would be moving since we got orders to Okinawa. So we've been saving for this move for a while. It's stressful that everything is going to happen at once though. In a matter of a month or two, we'll be selling our Oki junkers, moving out, buying a house, two cars, furniture for all rooms ('cause we have none except for the living room), oh, and we're hopefully going to Australia as a side trip on our way back to the states. Are we insane? Who does that? Overseas moves can be rough on the ol' pocketbook. And I forgot to mention we'll receive a huge cut in pay. Welcome Home, your now broke!