Sunday, October 11, 2009


We had a blast at the Great Naha Tug-of-War. The rope is the largest man made rope in the world. We get a chance to tug on it in the city as a battle between East and West.

Before the actual war, there are tons of activities going on. There 's a long Parade of the Flags. The men hold these long flag poles as they walk and chant through the city.

Finally, the city streets are blocked off from traffic and the crowd spills into the street. We get our first touch of the rope and our position in the tug-of-war.

Thousands of people gather for their chance of pulling the rope.

We all had a great time. The announcers determined it to be a tie. At the end of it all we got to cut a piece of the rope off and take it home for good luck and as a memento of this once in a lifetime opportunity.
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