Sunday, October 4, 2009


Tonight Charlie and I went to one of our favorite restaurants, Sam's By the Sea. It's a Japanese/Hawaiian style restaurant with tiki lamps burning outside and the theme of being on a ship and eating by candlelight inside. It's located on the water close to our house. They have some great service. It was raining so someone ran to our car as we pulled up and walked me in under an umbrella. How great is that?

Before your meal, you are served a curry potato soup (Curry is a big thing in Asia). It's awesome! I've tried making it at home but can never get it right. We decided to be adventurous and try something new on the menu (we usually do anyway because everything is fabulous and we have never been let down). Charlie ordered a king crab and shrimp stew. I ordered Polynesian Mahi Mahi with carrots and zucchini with fresh cream wrapped in Ti-Leaves served with purple sweet yams. Everything was fabulous. Charlie's bowl was so big. He actually stopped eating and couldn't finish. He got his money's worth. Everything was delicious and we were happy. It's one place we will miss when we move.

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