Saturday, July 25, 2009


Charlie had exploratory knee surgery on Thursday. He and I arrived at the Navy hospital at 6 am. He was the first surgery of the day. After checking in, getting vitals and changing they wheeled him out of sight. Only about two hours later he arrived back to the recovery room and I could see Charlie and hang out with him. Waking up wasn't so bad. Charlie is the funny type after surgery. He said some pretty embarrassing things to me and the corpsmen. I will NOT share those things with you. After a few hours of waking up, drinking water and eating crackers, the doctor arrived and filled us in on how the surgery went. (Now let me back up to the MRI) During Charlie's MRI the doc. said it was all inconclusive. It could be one of three things: the meniscus could be torn, the cartilage could be torn or there may be a stress fracture. was all three. So she cleaned everything up and drilled some holes into his bone in hopes that more cartilage will grow.

We are home now recuperating for the next month. Charlie has physical therapy three times a week (his first one was Fri. the day after surgery...ouch). He can't put any weight on his knee for six weeks. He's off work for the next month.

So the girls and I have been helping out daddy. We get everything he needs. He's been doing his stretching exercises a few times a day. It's going to be a longer recovery than expected but at least he'll be all fixed up before we move next year! Best Blogger Tips