Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Total Solar Eclipse

There was an excitement around Asia this week. Everyone was gearing up for a total solar eclipse that would last 6 mins. the longest eclipse in a century. Well I'm all about science and wanting to experience a once in a lifetime thing. Plus it's something only happening out here and all my friends and family in the states won't have the chance to experience. For some reason (maybe because everyone said) I thought it was going to get really dark like how it is in the evening. It didn't. And I thought I'd clearly see the moon's shadow passing over the sun. It wasn't obvious. A bit disappointing even.

The only thing I noticed was this ring that formed around the sun. It was pretty and it lasted for a good 45 mins.

Only one other thing happened during the eclipse...those annoying cicadas shut up for a few mins. You all in the states are lucky to only have to put up with these every 17 years. We get them every summer. They scream so loud for hours.

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